Want to Step Up Your Merchant Cash Advance Marketing? Get UCC Leads Today!

How do you increase merchant cash advance sales?

What steps should you take for successful MCA marketing?

Obviously, as an MCA provider, you are looking for ways to increase sales.

Surely you know, finding prospects is the most challenging task?

Getting fresh and qualified UCC leads is the best approach to merchant cash advance marketing.

The MCA industry continues to grow. The incredible benefits associated with the cash advance—an easy application process, no risk of collateral or credit—make it a perfect source of alternative funding.  

However, finding and building clients in the merchant cash industry is not child’s play. If you, as an MCA provider, choose to find prospects yourself, it will be a time-consuming task. Also, you will waste your hard-earned money on it.

This makes investing in a lead generation service the right answer. Fortunately, UCC leads do exist and prove quite helpful!

UCC leads lists are records containing information such as name and contact details of businesses who have received a merchant cash advance previously, and are expected to seek one again. These records also provide contact information of businesses denied business loans by traditional banks, due to their bad credit ratings.

Purchasing UCC leads to learn about your target prospects and successfully sell business loans, is the right approach.

At Merchant Financing Leads, we understand your needs while respecting your constraints, and provide highly accurate UCC records that help you reach potential customers.

When purchased from a strategic lead generation service like ours, UCC records provide:
  • First name, where available
  • Last name, where available
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Mailing address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • SIC description, etc.

These leads lists are updated on a regular basis. Fresh, up-to-date leads provide more value than stale, old leads. In the merchant cash advance industry, UCC records outperform all other lists because of resource credibility and good conversion ratio. UCC records are highly trusted in the MCA industry and have awarded businesses with high conversion ratios.

These leads prove quite useful for various marketing campaigns including phone, direct mail, cash advances, etc. UCC records surpass all the other lists available in the MCA industry.

Once you have access to these high-targeted, leads lists, the next step is to craft ways to reach your target customers. You can opt for a telemarketing or direct mail campaign, whichever one suits your business requirements.

At Merchant Financing Leads, we have a team of qualified and dedicated marketing professionals. They have over a decade of industry experience and have assisted a multitude of businesses with finding prospective clients, selling MCA loans and reaching their goals. 


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