
Showing posts from June, 2020

Reasons Why Small Businesses Make the Best Working Capital Leads

If you run an MCA business, chances are you’re struggling to generate and acquire business loan or working capital leads. A great number of MCA providers are facing issues with lead generation because of the growing competition in the MCA markets. However, the demand for MCAs is also on the rise. If you are unable to find the best leads for your MCA business, we suggest you look for small businesses that are in need of funds and target them in your next marketing campaign. Now, the question arises, how would you know which businesses are looking for loans and become the best working capital leads? The answer to this question is: lead generation pros like us! At Merchant Financing Leads, we provide the data and information about small and mid-sized businesses, plus startups in need of funding. This information is constantly updated through market research and the updated information is available to MCA providers.   When you use this information to target leads like working capit...

Reasons Why Small Businesses Make the Best Working Capital Leads

If you run an MCA business, chances are you’re struggling to generate and acquire business loan or working capital leads. A great number of MCA providers are facing issues with lead generation because of the growing competition in the MCA markets. However, the demand for MCAs is also on the rise. If you are unable to find the best leads for your MCA business, we suggest you look for small businesses that are in need of funds and target them in your next marketing campaign. Now, the question arises, how would you know which businesses are looking for loans and become the best working capital leads? The answer to this question is: lead generation pros like us! At Merchant Financing Leads, we provide the data and information about small and mid-sized businesses, plus startups in need of funding. This information is constantly updated through market research and the updated information is available to MCA providers. When you use this information to target leads like working capital leads...

UCC Lists: A Reliable Source of Information About Qualified MCA Leads

With growing competition, it is quite tough to locate and convert qualified MCA leads. However, with the right help and the right information, like UCC lists, you can acquire the right leads. What are these UCC leads and how can they be acquired? Let’s have a look: UCC Lists and Leads UCC stands for Universal Commercial Code – a code that is used for the identification of businesses. This code is attached to businesses operating in areas where UCCs are used. For business owners like MCA providers, this code plays a crucial role in helping them get the right information about businesses, using it to locate, approach, and convert them as qualified UCC leads. The information accompanying the UCC is accessed and gathered by lead generation professionals. This information is then used by MCA providers to convert these leads. What makes the information useful is that you can tell whether the businesses have acquired MCAs in the past or not. If they have, you can easily approach them and ...

The Most Effective Merchant Cash Advance Marketing Tips from Experts

MCA providers have been in a great demand, especially after the great recession when traditional banks started following stricter credit policies. Pertaining to these policies, small businesses and startups had a tough time raising funds for their businesses as they had low credit scores and traditional banks turned them down. This led to an increased demand for alternative funding options like merchant cash advances, and MCA providers started targeting these businesses with their merchant cash advance marketing campaigns. However, with time, the number of MCA providers increased, as did the competition, making it hard for them to locate, approach, and convert the best MCA leads for their business. This is still the most common problem today and a number of MCA providers had to close their businesses. All because they couldn’t get the right leads even after constant merchant cash advance marketing efforts. If you’re sailing in the same boat and can’t find the best leads for your busi...